Prologue: The soul in the foam
Interlude: by any other name
Food of the gods / Vermont, USA, 2009
The call of the wild / Beni, Bolivia, 2010
The golden pod / Beni, Bolivia, 1991-1995
Interlude: First families
Ghosts of the Maya Mountains / Belize, 1993-1995
Rainforest delight / Beni and La Paz, Bolivia, 1997-2000
Tranquility / Beni, Bolivia, 2001-03
In the shadows / Belize and Guatemala, mid-2000s
the Beni hustle / Beni, Bolivia, late 2000s
Deep water / Beni, Bolivia, 2010
Sundance / Beni, Bolivia, 2010
Big chocolate / Belize, 2010 and 2022
Interlude: the legend of chocfinger
Stranded assets / Belize, 2010
Verapaz / Alta Verapaz, Guatamala, 2013
Remembrance of chocolates past / Salt Lake City, Peru, Belize, 2012-16
The law of the jungle / Beni, Bolivia, 2014
Interlude: making chocolate
The cradle / Amazonas, Brazil, 2022
What do you do when your chocolate sucks? / São Paolo and Acre, Brazil, 2014-17 and 2022
The queen of the forest / Acre, Brazil, 2017
A powder room of flower power / Amazonas, Brazil, 2018-22
The mission / Amazonas, Brazil, 2022
The gospel of chocolate / Amazonas, Brazil, 2022
For the birds / Belize and Guatemala, 2023
The secret garden / Soconusco, Mexico, 2023
Interlude: the real white chocolate
The saga of Alamendra Blanca / Chiapas and Tabasco, Mexico, 2023
In search of the white jaguar / Chiapas, Mexico, 2023
The metaphysics of chocolate / Mexico City and Oaxaca, Mexico, 2023
Epilogue: Ritual / New Hampshire, USA, 2023.